Safety Statement

A Safety Statement is a plan, in writing, which specifically identifies the hazards, assesses the risks, identifies the controls to be put in place, the persons responsible and the resources necessary to secure the safety of persons at work. It is required by Section 20 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005.


Safety Statement

We create comprehensive Safety Statement’s in line with legislative requirements which addresses the major safety management, consultation and operational issues that apply to your activities.

The Safety Statement should be made available to all employees and other persons who may be affected by your activities.

The Safety Statement is reviewed on an annual basis or when there are legislative or work practice changes.

Safety Consultancy Ireland


Who Is Responsible

Responsibility for safety proceeds from the Board of Directors, through the Managing Director, to all senior management and in turn to each manager, supervisor, team leader, and member of staff. It is the responsibility of all line management to ensure that employees are trained and motivated to comply with our company’s safety policy, safety statements, safety rules, procedures, safety standards and relevant laws.

Line management also has a responsibility to keep fully informed of the impact that activities under its control and ensure that they take corrective action as appropriate.

Equally all employees have a responsibility to protect their own safety and that of others affected by their work, to avoid behaviours that could result in injury to others and to cooperate in implementing the safety policy, rules, standards, procedures and guidelines.


Risk Assessment