Workstation Ergonomics

The aim of the workstation ergonomics course is to provide you with the guidance and information to enable you to reduce the risks associated with working at a workstation.


Workstation Ergonomics

On completion you should be able to;

Workplace Stress Safety
Workplace Stress Safety



This course is divided into 10 modules and will take approximately 40 minutes to complete.

  1. Overview of Ergonomics and Workstation Safety
  2. Legislation associated with Ergonomics and Workstation Safety
  3. Risks to your health and Wellbeing from poor ergonomics and workstation practices
  4. Key Ergonomic Principles
  5. Correct workstation set up
  6. Portable Devices
  7. Work Environment
  8. Exercise
  9. Eye tests
  10. Course Summary



When you are at work, you make choices in relation to how you interact with your work environment, i.e. desk, chair, screen, etc. These choices can either improve or decrease your performance, comfort and wellbeing. This course will help you to understand the importance of having your workstation set up correctly to suit you so that you can avoid unfavourable ergonomic conditions that could lead to both short and long term health

Because sedentary work has long been associated with health problems like repetitive strain injury, neck and shoulder tension, etc, it is therefore important to ensure that all employees are aware of workstation ergonomics and how, if implemented correctly, it can improve employees performance, comfort and wellbeing.

Under the provisions of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, and with regard to the use of workstations, the employer must;

– Provide a safe workplace where workers are not exposed to hazards associated with the use of the workstation like slips, trips, falls, repetitive strain injury.
– Implement a safe system of work when working at workstations by ensuring that work is done safely and not putting the worker or others at risk.
– Ensure safe plant and equipment by confirming that the workstation equipment being used is safe, fit for purpose and maintained correctly.
– Evaluate risks associated with the use of workstations and ensure that appropriate safety controls are in place to protect people and equipment.
– Provide appropriate information, instruction, training and supervision to workers who use workstations so they can work in a safe manner including.
– ensure that people are competent by making sure that management and staff have the appropriate training, knowledge and experience for the work that they are engaged in.

If you would like to see more in relation to our Safety Induction Courses, why not give us a call on 046 9245658 or email