Manual Handling Instructor Course

The purpose of this award is to equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence to effectively design and deliver manual handling instruction in the workplace.


Manual Handling Instructor Course

Course Aim

The purpose of this award is to equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence to effectively design and deliver manual handling instruction in the workplace.

A maximum of 12 Delegates / 5 Days

Safety Statement


Course Objectives

On completion of this course learners will be able to;

  • Explain the main components of relevant health and safety legislation
  • Define the main components of the spinal column
  • Explain the main risk factors for back injuries related to manual handling
  • Describe the concepts of ergonomics
  • Explain the manual handling risk assessment process
  • To be able to carry out manual handling risk assessments
  • Describe a range of controls to avoid and reduce the risk of injuries
  • Apply the main principles of inanimate manual handling to a range of manual handling tasks
  • Analyse the learners performance of manual handling techniques
  • Develop inanimate manual handling training programmes
  • Deliver effective manual handling training programmes
  • Demonstrate understanding of adult learning principles
  • Give effective instruction in practical manual handling techniques


Manual Handling Instructor Course Content;

  • Unit 1 Legislative requirements and health benefit
  • Unit 2 Anatomy and back care
  • Unit 3 Ergonomic principles and risk assessment
  • Unit 4 Manual handling principles and techniques
  • Unit 5 Planning and design of manual handling training programmes
  • Unit 6 Delivery of manual handling training

Accreditation and Certification

In successful completion of this course learners will receive a FETAC Level 6 Instructing Manual Handling Certificate.