Legionella Management Course

This legionella managment course aims to provide individuals that have a responsibility under legislation, i.e. duty holders – with the training in the management of legionella.


Legionella Management Course

This legionella managment course aims to provide individuals that have a responsibility under legislation, i.e. duty holders – with the training in the management of legionella. Duty holders include individuals who own buildings, individuals who control buildings, individuals who operate buildings and contractors who engage in work on buildings.

It is important that duty holders understand the health risks caused by legionella so that they can assess their premises or conduct work on a premises and ensure that appropriate legionella controls are implemented.

legionella managment course



By successfully completing legionella managment course online, you will be able to;

  • Establish where legionella bacteria come from and the adverse effect it can have on a person’s health.
  • Identify the legislation relating to Legionella and the associated obligations on duty holders.
  • Identify the locations and environments where legionella bacteria are found.
  • Demonstrate how to conduct a Legionella risk assessment to identify and control the hazards.
  • Implement the control measures that can be used to reduce the risks from legionella.
  • Identify the ongoing control measures required to effectively manage legionella control measures.

If effective legionella controls are not in place, then legionella bacteria can have the potential to cause serious harm to people’s health which unfortunately can result in death.

It is therefore vitally important that all facilities have effective controls in place to manage the legionella risks and prevent people from falling ill or worse from legionella.

Legionellosis is a collective term for diseases caused by legionella bacteria including the most serious Legionnaires’ disease, as well as the similar but less serious conditions of Pontiac fever and Lochgoilhead fever.

Legionnaires’ disease is a potentially fatal form of pneumonia and everyone is susceptible to infection. The risk increases with age but some people are at higher risk including:
– people over 45 years of age
– smokers and heavy drinkers
– people suffering from chronic respiratory or kidney disease
– diabetes, lung and heart disease
– anyone with an impaired immune system

For more information about the Legionella Management Course please email or call us on (046) 924 5658