Office Kitchen Etiquette Safety

Office Kitchen Etiquette Safety 

In an office environment the storage, preparation and consumption of food can often be a source of conflict. Smelly lunches, spilled food and dirty dishes can cause strife amongst co-workers and can be a health hazard. Research has found that one of the dirtiest places in the office is the office fridge. The following advice on Office Kitchen Etiquette Safety may help if you have a shared kitchen in your workplace.

Office Kitchen Etiquette Safety Do’s

  • Clean as you go
  • Keep surfaces clean and clear of debris
  • Label your food and drinks clearly
  • Cover food when reheating in the microwave and wipe it down after each use
  • Once a week, or on a specified date, have a fridge clear out
  • Wash and dry cups, plates and utensils after use
  • Make sure you shut the fridge and freezer door firmly
  • Remind staff to bring home their containers weekly.
  • Store food and drink in leak proof containers

Office Kitchen Etiquette Safety Don’ts

  • Don’t move or take items that aren’t yours
  • Don’t leave items in the fridge until they go off
  • Don’t adjust the fridge temperature settings
  • Don’t leave your dirty dishes in the sink.

Cleaning of the shared kitchen, especially the fridge and microwave, should be a shared responsibility in your office. An office rota may help to ensure that the cleaning is not left to the same person all the time. A sign on the fridge or microwave can also remind staff to keep their kitchen clean and leave the mould growing in the laboratory!


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