Health and Safety Management Support to Glanbia Virginia

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Compliplus provided Health and Safety management support to Glanbia Virginia for their recent production upgrade work. Photo below shows part of the powder processing department.Glanbia have been using our health & safety management support and we have aided them on many projects with regard to health & safety advice, tool box talks and health & sfety documentation.
One of the main clients of Compliplus would be Glanbia. Compliplus was given the job to view all their safety paperwork and had to validate all the paper work they had to. Compliplus was also trusted with the job of co-ordinating and supervising crane lifts that Glanbia used to upgrade the production of their plant. The upgrade was the decommissioning of 3 silos and the insulation of 3 new silos.

Compliplus was with Glanbia for all events where there was a risk of danger and to advise how to complete the operation successfully and more importantly safely. This was completed and possible once Compliplus validated the plans for using the cranes which were a priority to complete the operation.  Compliplus also went through MEWP safety training to the employees of Glanbia which was completed by our highly experienced safety trainers.
Compliplus was also involved in the removal of a floor and the creation of the new floor which was put in its place.  Along with all this Compliplus also did the site safety inductions and the site supervision this makes all the employees of Glanbia educated in their workplace safety management support but will also had a qualified safety person on site.

For contractors working for Glanbia, with regard to health and Safety Management Support, Compliplus validated all their safety training records such as Safety Induction Training, Manual Handling Training, Abrasive Wheel Training, Height Safety Training & made sure all steps were in place, so they could work safely.


For more information on our safety mangement support please contact or click on the link

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